Realizing the expertise available within the MDBC community, and wanting to showcase the success stories specifically in the field of sustainability (and innovation), MDBC began the MDBC Awards Program in 2011 as the MDBC Sustainability Awards (MSA). Over the years, we have continued to grow and evolve the awards program and in 2017, renamed it to the MDBC Innovation & Sustainability Awards (MISA). The renaming reflects MDBC’s understanding of the integral part that innovation plays in sustainability.
Created to acknowledge, showcase, honor, and reward the outstanding Best Practices of companies in the areas of sustainability and innovation, it is also reflective of the achievements and ongoing developments by both Malaysia and The Netherlands in sustainability, innovation, and the circular economy. The MDBC Innovation & Sustainability Awards is a unique and innovative platform nurturing an accelerated development and understanding of these two topics. It is a celebration of successes and an acknowledgement of the hard work that companies have put in to the advancement of these fields.